Avoid Blood Vessel Issue By Getting A Good Blood Pressure
Every time you visit your doctor, one of the things that are being done to you to determine your condition is checked your blood pressure. Blood pressure that is high is a serious condition that can lead to coronary heart disease, heart failure, stroke, kidney failure, and many other serious health problems including blood vessel issue. To measure your blood pressure, your upper arm will be wrapped with an inflatable cuff. The cuff will then be inflated to cut off blood circulation temporarily and allow the blood to flow back slowly. This lets the person taking your blood pressure monitor the sounds as the blood flows through the arteries. Although your blood pressure changes from time to time, it is important always to maintain a good blood pressure. In other words, keep a blood pressure reading below 120/80 for those in their 20s and above.
To a normal person, a BP may merely represent numbers of no real importance. Though, if you are keen on maintaining a healthy body, it is imperative that you fully understand what it stands for and why there is a need to monitor it now and then. Knowing your numbers, so to speak, and knowing what good blood pressure can prove crucial in preventing possible heart ailments and other health complications brought about by high blood pressure. An abnormal increase in the pressure may be due to the build-up of fatty deposits, forcing the heart to pump harder to supply adequate blood all throughout the body. Over time, the extra work eventually causes the heart muscles to enlarge and weaken, and when left untreated or regulated can lead to heart failure and death.
So, what do these numbers mean? Blood pressure reading is usually recorded as a fraction. The top number is the systolic pressure, which is the pressure as the heart contracts and pumps the blood. The bottom number is the diastolic pressure, which is the pressure in the vessels when the heart is at rest in between beats. An average blood pressure should read 120/80, and if it goes higher than 120/80 up to 139/89, it is now considered as a prehypertension state.
However, don’t panic if your initial blood pressure result is more than 120/80. You should know that there are factors affecting one’s blood pressure. Usually, your doctor will regularly check and monitor you blood pressure for a particular period to establish an average rate. This is to consider other possibilities that could affect the result of your blood pressure such as physical activities, smoking, sleeping patterns, alcohol consumption, etc.
A study shows that heart-related conditions are one of the leading causes of death. It has also been known that high blood pressure or hypertension is a silent killer since it doesn’t have any early symptoms. If you diagnosed with an elevated blood pressure, make sure to seek immediate medical assistance so you can regulate and maintain a good blood pressure. There are available treatments that can help control high blood pressure. A change of lifestyle, keeping a healthy diet, and regular exercise may also be advised, besides medications, to lower your blood pressure.
Ensure to have your blood pressure checked regularly, especially for ages 30s and above. As the old phrase goes, prevention is much better than cure. Maintain a good blood pressure to enjoy your life fully to the fullest.